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Materials availability improving

22 March 2024

Materials availability improving

As the first quarter of 2024 draws to a close, the latest report from Construction Leadership Council’s (CLC) Material Supply Chain Group (formerly Product Availability Group) continues to show good levels of product availability across the board.

Group Co-Chairs John Newcomb, who is CEO of the Builders Merchants Federation, and Peter Caplehorn, CEO of the Construction Products Association, say that the beginning of 2024 has also brought early signs of improvement in construction activity, although housebuilding is expected to be flat for most of the year.

Overall construction activity trended upward in January and February reaching its highest level since August 2023, despite poor weather. The weather is likely to have affected sales volumes through builders’ merchants, which remained static during the first two months of the year. 

Most regions, however, saw an increase in volumes in March and there are hints of pent-up demand as a handful of regions are showing high levels of sales compared to 2023.

Prices generally have increased by 3 to 4%, which mirrors the wider economy where CPI inflation in January was 4.0%.

Previous concerns about the impact on products normally transported via the Red Sea seem to have dissipated or are manageable, states the group. Although some are experiencing increased shipping costs and slight delays in delivery of ironmongery and sanitary-ware, this is now described as an ‘inconvenience’, and not a major issue.

Separately, the electro-technical sector has flagged concerns about the ongoing geopolitical risks in East Asia and the potential impact on any construction products, plant and tools with electronic chips sourced from that region. The Group is considering adding this issue to its ‘horizon scanning’ and some members are independently analysing the situation. 

Photo: Thomas Wolter/Pixabay 

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